Still Serving Veterans

No-Cost, Veteran-to-Veteran Counseling

What they do

Still Serving Veterans is a non-profit that helps veterans be resilient with no-cost services that help position them in quality, meaningful civilian careers, navigate and access their VA benefits, and make the best of their time after service.

Why it’s critical

There is a lot involved in the transition to civilian life between learning about entitled benefits though the VA, crafting a resume that highlights the skills acquired in service, and preparing for job interviews. Still Serving Veterans employs counselors who are also Veterans, understand the unique needs of every Veteran they serve.

How we support

When the Global Force 2022 tradeshow was cancelled, Safran launched, in it’s place, a defense-focused webinar series, providing a donation for every registered participant over the three-day event and promoting their valuable services.

How you can support

Donations are, of course, welcome, but beyond that, using or referring veterans to their services goes a long way towards helping them fulfill their grant obligations.



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