Safran White Rabbit products provide sub-nanosecond synchronization and high accuracy time transfer, crucial for modern time-sensitive networking (TSN) and Synchronous Ethernet infrastructures. Utilizing Precision Time Protocol (PTP), our White Rabbit Switches offer precise timing that meets the needs of IEEE 1588 Timing and network synchronization equipment.
Sub-Nanosecond Synchronization
Safran technology ensures deterministic Ethernet performance across large networks, making it ideal for applications, such as FinTech and Data Centers, that require real-time data transfer. With Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM), our solutions provide scalability and efficiency in synchronization.
Size [mm3]
Weight [g]
Power [mW]
+/- Full Scale [g]
Non Linearity
Frequency Response -3dB min [Hz]
Resonnant Frequency [kHz]
Vibration Rectification Error [μg/g2]
Noise in Band [μg/√Hz]
Noise Integrated Over 0.1 to 100Hz [μg]
Resolution @1s [μg rms]
Start-up Time [μs]
Dynamic Range [dB]
Nominal [mg]
Temperature Coefficient [mg/°C]
Initial Residual Modeling Error [mg]
Long Term Repeatability [mg]
In-run Bias Stability [μg]
Turn On – Turn On [μg]
Scale Factor
Nominal [mV/g]
Temperature Coefficient [ppm/°C]
Initial Residual Modeling Error [ppm]
Long Term Repeatability [ppm]
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Operational Temperature [°C]
Storage Temperature [°C]
Vibration [gRMS]
Max ESD Stress [kV]
Export Control
Key Features
Reduces errors in time transfer with high accuracy phase and frequency time transfer
Scalable to long distances
Automatically calibrated links remove any potential offsets from variance between forward and reverse delays
Easy to integrate into existing network infrastructure
Utilizes standard Ethernet and extensions to PTP
Can operate over spare fiber next to existing network links
Can be multiplexed with data links using WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing)
Case Studies
The world’s most critical applications rely on Safran solutions. Check out some of our case studies, and reach out when you are ready to discuss how Safran can solve your PNT challenges.