Safran Acquisition Information

Safran Acquisition Information

Why was Orolia sold?

Our current owners, Eurazeo, are a private investment firm that acquires companies with the intent to invest in them, grow them, and find suitable ways of earning a return on their investment. Since its investment in Orolia in 2016, Eurazeo has supported the company by bringing the additional human and financial resources required for its growth around founder Jean-Yves Courtois. The sale provides Eurazeo a well-earned return on the time and capital invested in their 5th year of ownership, a common horizon private equity firms target for exit.

How will this change in ownership impact me?

Safran’s acquisition of Orolia marks an investment in the growth of our already successful PNT portfolio. There will be no immediate changes to your current account representative or support team. It will be business-as-usual for your relationship with us, plus the added benefit of the world-class Safran team upon closing.

Through 2023, you’ll start to see changes to our website, the teams you work with, and our branding, but it is our top priority to continue improving on our commitments to building the best PNT solutions in the world and delivering an outstanding customer experience from sales to engineering to support.

We’re thrilled to share more as we begin to work together.

What can I expect from Safran as an owner?

As a strategic buyer, an industry peer with complementary technologies, Safran was the perfect next owner of Orolia. Unlike non-industry Private Equity buyers, Safran’s purchase does not come with an expected 3-5 year exit plan. They intend to be the world leader in Resilient PNT solutions. What our customers like you have helped us build at Orolia is a critical part of that equation. You can expect the same commitment to building the best solutions we can to meet your needs.

Will you be offering new solutions?

More to follow on this, but we believe many of our customers will be as excited as we are with what is coming.

Will my Orolia products continue to be supported? Will my warranties still be in effect?

Absolutely. All existing support plans, warranties, and product support lifetimes will remain as is.

Will the quote you provided still be honored?

Yes. Our business will continue as it has operated for the foreseeable future.

What will happen to the current leadership team?

From an organizational point of view, Orolia will be a wholly-owned subsidiary attached to Safran Electronics & Defense SAS. It will keep its own management structure.