# News
Latest Version of Safran's Skydel GNSS Simulation Engine Can Generate More Signals Without Upgrading Hardware
ROCHESTER, N.Y. – May 18, 2023 – Safran Electronics & Defense announced today that the newest version of its Skydel software will bring some truly spectacular features to GNSS simulations, including the ability to generate four times the number of signals.
Skydel version 23.5 can generate a high capacity of signals – with all the constellations and multiple frequencies – from a single workstation. Through a series of CPU multi-threading and GPU memory access improvements, GNSS users, experts, and manufacturers, as well as those looking for an LEO-capable simulation system, can greatly benefit from this improvement without upgrading hardware.
In addition to this huge performance upgrade, Skydel has added the ability to dynamically upload Satellite Data (such as RINEX) to update orbits, clocks, and other satellite data during the simulation. The result is simulations with up-to-date satellite data that are both accurate and editable.
Finally, this version provides a new BeiDou signal (B3I), as well as improved support for that constellation, and dozens of useability and interface improvements – including Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22.04 support.
In addition to generating a high channel/satellite count, Skydel – as always – can also produce jamming and spoofing signals without any additional hardware. Since 2015, Skydel software has been used to simulate GNSS signals for a wide range of applications and business segments including automotive, aerospace, space, telecommunications, and defense.
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