Share Your Stories of Resilience


What does resilience mean to you?

The Oxford Dictionary defines resilience as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties,” or the ability to bounce back from adverse circumstances.

If ever that ability was tested, it’s been. Adapting to the new reality of COVID-19 has required most of us to call upon stories of resilience that we never knew we had.

As we begin to look back on the year through the rear-view mirror, Orolia would like to ask for your stories about resilience:

  • How you overcame business or personal challenges
  • What worked (or what didn’t)
  • How your positive spirit and humanity inspired you to bounce back in these unprecedented times

If an Orolia solution was involved in your story, even better — but that’s not a requirement.

To share your story, fill out this brief Resilient Stories form. Your story may be featured on our social media channels, website or upcoming podcast series. Photos and videos are welcome! It’s free marketing for your organization, a great way to amplify your company’s successes and a chance to show the world how resilient you are.

Resilience. It’s in Our DNA, and Yours Too

At Orolia, we talk a lot about resilience. We’re the world leader in resilient positioning, navigation and timing (PNT). Every one of our solutions is designed to help you and your organization be resilient – to detect, identify, and prevent an attack on your critical infrastructure, mitigate signal loss in the event of a GNSS/GPS interruption, augment your timing network’s cybersecurity, and give you the tools to quickly recover should an anomaly occur.

But it’s our customers’ resilience that really makes Orolia unique. Our best Resilient PNT stories come from you. It is your ability to conquer adversity and demonstrate your strength, flexibility and perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds that defines what real resilience is.

So, please share those great stories of resilience with us. Show us how you overcame hard times. Tell us how an Orolia solution helped your organization become more resilient. Send in a Resilient Stories form now. Together, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish.