DONES-EVO is yet another industrial research project in the framework of the demo-oriented neutron source of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF-DONES).
It aims to further expand our expertise, knowledge, and know-how in the development of innovative solutions that combine our advanced TSN platform with the typical control and signal processing environments commonly found in scientific facilities for high-energy physics (HEP). Our contribution will revolve around the exploration and development of a TSN solution that minimizes the wiring, infrastructure management complexity, and electromagnetic interference of the legacy control, sensing, and machine protection solutions that are currently deployed in typical HEP facilities. To this end, we will endow our HEP platform – the low-level radio frequency (LLRF) module – with the advanced White Rabbit (WR) synchronization and time-sensitive networking (TSN) transport capabilities that are required to achieve these goals in a particle accelerator.
Low-level RF (LLRF) module for controlling accelerator cavities
Project funded under the Recuperation and Resilience Mechanisms of the European Union under the (UE) 2020/2094 rules of the Council, dated the 14th December of 2020. Project ID: MIG-20211066