EWOS5500 OCXO Crystal Oscillator
20 MHz Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator
View all Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators (OCXOs).
EWOS5500 provides a unprecedent trade-off between global performances and high reliability for large volume space applications. It can be delivered in several thousand units at low price, providing a simultaneously very high frequency stability, accuracy and very low power consumption.
It can be used for GNSS, OBC, ranging or Radio functions within Mini & Microsatellites operating in Low Earth Orbits.
Its ASIC core has been tested against radiations up to 100 krad, and this OCXO is robust against shocks & vibrations. Will be flight proven in 2018.
- Small size (1.6 cm3) in DIL 14 hermetically sealed package
- Very low power OCXO, 300mW @ -40°C / atmospheric pressure
- +5 V power supply
- 9E-11 short term stability ( t = 1 sec.)
- ±250 ppb typical frequency stability in -40°C/+75°C temperature range
- -150 dBc/Hz phase noise at 1 kHz offset
- High mechanical robustness: MIL-STD-883 M2002 Cond B: 1500g / 0.5ms / 1/2 sine
- High resistance to radiations (aggravated tests have been performed up to 100Krad).
- Cost effective solution for large volumes space applications
- Size: 20.27 x 12.65 x 8 mm
- Weight: 4g
- Power supply: +5 V
- Operating Temperature: -40˚C to +75˚C
- Shock: 1500G peak / 0.5 ms / 3 axis ; MIL-STD-883 method 2002, Test Condition B
- Vibration: 16.91 Grms / 10 to 2000 Hz Random / 3 min per axis, MIL STD 202-214 cond E