# Case Studies
Orolia to provide Becker Avionics with GSG-8 with fully operational SBAS function to test avionics receiver
Becker Avionics (Poland) received funds to develop an avionic receiver (civilian avionic) to comply with specific standards (TSO C145 / DO 229) to equip aircrafts as well as airports.
The latest general aviation standards (DO 229 Version F) include that, avionics receivers should be equipped with anti-jamming capabilities while also been able to identify and mitigate intentional interferences such as spoofing.
This new regulation is representative of civilian aviation’s awareness about risks caused by interferences on GNSS signals, whether they are intentional or not, which is a well-known issue for military aviation.
Orolia was able to provide Becker Avionics with a GSG-8 Advanced Simulator, based on Skydel Simulation Engine with advanced jamming and spoofing simulation options to test this avionic receiver in real-life conditions.
Our team of experts were also able to provide tailor-made developments on the Skydel software to improve accuracy and integrity testing of the GNSS receiver. By improving the SBAS function which is now fully compliant with the civil avionics’ standards on the GSG-8 Advanced Simulator, the receiver can be certified against any failure on the GNSS signal.
About SBAS
SBAS improves the accuracy and reliability of GNSS information by correcting signal measurement errors and by providing information about the accuracy, integrity, continuity and availability of its signals.
SBAS uses GNSS measurements taken by accurately located reference stations deployed across an entire continent. All measured GNSS errors are transferred to a central computing center, where differential corrections and integrity messages are calculated.
These calculations are then broadcast over the covered area using geostationary satellites that serve as an augmentation, or overlay, to the original GNSS message.
Today, Skydel software allows to change SBAS messages, index parameters and gives ability to compensate ephemeris, ionospheric and pseudorange errors in SBAS corrections.
Thanks to the development and finalization of this SBAS for avionic receivers’ option, Orolia is now able to provide aviation customers such as Becker Avionics with a dedicated simulation solution specially designed and manufactured to face the latest avionics requirements to test reception of GNSS signal with a new level of precision and integrity.