# News

Orolia Joins US Defense Resilient PNT Panel Ensuring Superiority on the Battlefield


Rochester, NY, Oct. 27, 2020 – Orolia Defense & Security will join public and private sector defense leaders, including keynote speaker U.S. Army Assured Position, Navigation and Timing (APNT) Cross-Functional Team Director Mr. Willie Nelson, in a panel discussion on Ensuring PNT Superiority on the Future Battlefield. Other panelists include representatives from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), Booz Allen Hamilton and MITRE.

The U.S. military plays a world-leading role in deploying the latest technologies for continuous, accurate and reliable communications, mission timing and synchronization, and intelligence resources. Since the deployment of GPS, GNSS signals have multiplied and become essential data transmitters. They are also a single point of failure that has created the need for Resilient PNT. 

The global proliferation of GPS/GNSS signal jamming and spoofing means that today’s military systems must achieve mission success through accurate PNT data, even in GPS denied environments. This panel discussion, hosted by the Potomac Officers Club, will explore how industry and government can work together to deploy Resilient PNT technologies on existing and future military systems.

Who:U.S. Military and Industry PNT Experts
What:Ensuring PNT Superiority on the Future Battlefield 
Where:Online registration 
When:Nov. 5, 2020, 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. EST
  • William Nelson, Director, APNT CFT, U.S. Army (Keynote Speaker)
  • Kevin Coggins, VP SIG/Cyber & Engineering, Booz Allen Hamilton (Moderator)
  • Dr. John Betz, MITRE Fellow Emeritus, The MITRE Corporation (Panelist)
  • William Bollwerk, Former OSD co-lead, PNT research team, U.S. DoD (Panelist)
  • Lincoln Hudson, SVP, Booz Allen Hamilton (Panelist)
  • Hironori Sasaki, President, Orolia Defense & Security (Panelist)

About Orolia Defense & Security
Orolia Defense & Security provides Resilient PNT solutions and custom engineering services to U.S. Government agencies, defense organizations and their contractors. Orolia Defense & Security is authorized to work on the full spectrum of U.S. Government classified and unclassified projects, in addition to supporting strategic partnerships for key defense PNT technologies. www.oroliaDS.com

Press Contact
Rachael Smith