# News
Orolia Fortifies Resilient PNT Solutions with Satelles STL Signal Technology
WASHINGTON DC USA (December 15, 2016) — Orolia, the global leader in Resilient Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) solutions, announced that it has formed a strategic alliance, including an equity investment, with Satelles, Inc. to develop, market and sell PNT solutions based on Satelles’ Satellite Time and Location (STL) signal technology. STL is a unique space-based PNT technology that provides location and timing data independent from traditional GPS and GNSS satellite signals. By using STL, Orolia’s proven Spectracom and McMurdo branded solutions will be less susceptible to vulnerabilities – spoofing, interference and jamming – associated with GPS/GNSS.
Many highly sensitive commercial applications and operations including data center management require accurate and reliable PNT data. Today, these applications rely on signals from GPS/GNSS satellites. There are instances, however, where GPS/GNSS signal strength and security are not sufficient and prone to signal disruption. For these cases, STL can be used as a secure signal of opportunity to complement GPS/GNSS making the applications more accurate and secure and less prone to interference and attack.
“In today’s increasingly dynamic and mobile world, there is a growing need for precise and robust positioning, navigation and timing information, especially in business critical operations,” said Dr. Jean-Yves Courtois, Orolia CEO. “This breakthrough offering will be ideal for mission critical applications in which the smallest of discrepancies in PNT data accuracy, availability and stability can result in a network outage or a system crash.”
Based on the Iridium® satellite constellation, STL signals are up to 1000 times stronger than GPS/GNSS which helps to prevent jamming and allows easier signal reach into buildings and other hard-to-reach locations. STL’s additional cryptographic security also ensures the highest levels of performance, productivity and security.
“Satelles’ pioneering role in STL technology is a perfect fit with Orolia’s proven Resilient PNT strategy,” said Dr. Michael O’Connor, Satelles CEO. “We look forward to working together to introduce new products and solutions that will provide our customers with the utmost confidence that their positioning, navigation and timing data is accurate, secure and accessible.”