# Use Cases
Missile Flight Control
Problem We Solve
Tactical System Guidance and Flight Control
The latest defensive technologies rely on the use of long-range artillery. As such, it’s mandatory that the use of these systems doesn’t present a high risk of civilian casualties. In order to combat this risk, modern artillery systems, smart munitions and small missiles require precision, accuracy and the ability to operate independent of GPS control. These types of projectiles integrate independent and reliable self-destruction mechanisms and use different types of sensors, including the accelerometers.
Why it is Important
Not only do the accelerometers used in these systems have to perform after the initial shock, but they also have to perform after impact, allowing the weapon to self-destruct or render itself inert to prevent civilian casualties if the target hasn’t been eliminated.
How We Solve it
Safran Colibrys has successfully developed a unique solution for the applications requiring both – the robustness and high accuracy of the Inertial Tactical grade (bias repeatability < 1 mg).
Designed to address advanced, tactical grade inertial applications, the MS1000 is a new class of high performance accelerometers, based on Safran Colibrys’ 25-year MEMS development and production expertise.
MS1000 implements an innovative microelectromechanical design and electronics which unleash unbeatable performances with regard to the long term bias and scale factor repeatability, in-run bias and vibration rectification error (VRE). The 1000 series accelerometers share the same ceramic leadless hermetic package LCC20 as the 9000 series, hence preserving the same form factor.
MS1000 is available in a rich set of g-ranges +/-2, 5, 10, 30, 100g and is qualified for volume production.
Why Choose Us
MS1000 accelerometer has a shock resistance of 1’500g (single shock, 0.2 ms, 6 directions) and an excellent bias and scale factor performances (on the example of MS1010, +/-10 g range):
- Bias residual modeling error: 0.7 mg
- Long term bias repeatability: 1.2 mg
- SF residual modeling error: 120 ppm
- Long term SF repeatability: 400 ppm
These high-end performances respond to the requirements of hybrid navigation systems, missile guidance and flight control systems.
MS1000 MEMS accelerometers are available in various ranges up to +/- 100g.
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Designed to address advanced, tactical grade inertial applications