11 Reasons not to Test with a GSG 5/6 Simulator

You may think that if your GPS/GNSS receiver is tested, you don’t have to use a simulator. But your design can change everything, and it may not behave as expected post-integration and in the field.

Test with an Orolia GSG 5/6 GNSS simulator and know for sure. It’s affordable, reliable, easy to use, and it’ll help you avoid making these 11 critical mistakes.


11. You don’t mind if your products catch on fire.

Rule out worst case scenarios no matter what their probability.

10. You don’t mind if your antenna ends up in the wrong place.

A certain phone manufacturer learned this the hard way.

9. You don’t mind if your customers end up in Zambia instead of Zurich.


8.You don’t mind if your design behaves differently in production.

It looks good on paper, so everything should be fine.

7. You don’t mind if your product is recalled.

It’s happened to countless manufacturers.

6.You don’t mind bad online reviews.

Which will be seen by thousands of your customers.

5. You have plenty of liability insurance.

Because hey, what could go wrong?

4. You don’t mind ending up on the 11:00 news.

Because you might, and your company will be scrambling to deal with it.

3. You don’t care how many people you injure.

Because you have all that liability insurance, right?

2. Your receiver is already tested.

And nothing ever goes wrong between design and production, does it?

And the #1 reason …

You have more important things to do than spend your time testing.

Don’t let these critical mistakes happen to you. Request a quote or a demo for an Orolia GSG 5/6 simulator now. It offers a wide range of features, and it’s easy to use. Discover the time-tested, affordable Orolia GSG 5/6 simulator today .

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