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Update Files for SecureSync 2400 to version 1.8.0

The following files, corresponding to version 1.8.0, are available for download here: the software update file and release notes for SecureSync 2400. Update instructions are available in the release notes and our online manual.

  • If your unit is currently on a software version below 1.4.1, it is necessary to upgrade to 1.4.1 before proceeding further.
  • If your system is licensed with the Interference Detection Suite option, this bundle does not contain the software for that option. Please contact our service team ( for information on how to update your system including the Interference Detection Suite option software.
  • For Safran Federal Systems Customers: this bundle is NOT compatible with your SAASM or M-Code capable system and would cause potential issues. To confirm compatibility of this latest release with your system, please submit a support ticket including the full Model Number(s), Serial Numbers(s) and Software Version(s) at the Safran Federal Systems support website using the following link:

Safran is interested in your feedback on the upgrade experience. Please send us feedback, comments or suggestions to

NOTE: This download is NOT for SecureSync 1200

Download SecureSync-2400-ReleaseNotes-for-SW_Ver1.8.0.pdf | 505.68 KB
MD5 Hash: 2250e5470bfbccfbf7512ea72bb92556
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SHA-256 Hash: 562022818e0aa2536856ca27456634c43a542b4a089eae6516f53ee182c3f45c

Download securesync-1.8.0.squashfs | 213.55 MB
MD5 Hash: 3b1cd63656e2314fa5af741b46200e08
SHA-1 Hash: 4e7234a227f3c4a21f26c428a143a4b8d1ee08c8
SHA-256 Hash: a4711d92c276169ea423802eff3943b131596b72053ebeef415cd9ea9b9a27e9

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