VCS Code

The Virtual Clock Status Code has been created to easily identify the timing status of a device and easily troubleshoot in case it has failed. The VCS code are also used by the FOCA algorithm to detect a failure within a timing source and switch to the next available one.

Grand Master (GM VCS Code)

A device in Grand Master is when the timing source is external (i.e., 10MHz/PPS) or from a non-PTP source such as GNSS.

VSC HO Device
Message Clock
Active Reference Description
VSC-10000   OK Locked 6 GM: Front-panel Everything is OK for GM device
VSC-10101   CRITICAL Unlocked: 10MHz not present 187 GM: Internal Oscillator The 10MHz signal is not properly connected to the GM (or provide too low voltage, bad frequency, etc...)
VSC-10102   CRITICAL Unlocked: PPS not present 187 GM: Internal Oscillator The PPS signal is not properly connected to the GM (or provide too low voltage)
VSC-10103   CRITICAL Unlocked: 10MHz+PPS not present 187 GM: Internal Oscillator 10MHz and PPS signals are not properly connected to the GM (or provide too low voltage)
VSC-10104   CRITICAL Unlocked: 10MHz not stable 187 GM: Internal Oscillator Timeout in locking or DAC blocked to the limit. ~99% of the case because 10MHz are not stable or correct and thus tmgr reach a timeout count
VSC-10110   WARNING Locked: PPS not present 6 GM: Front-panel In case we are using an Atomic Clock as the main reference and someone has unplugged the PPS cable we might have some problem on the next reboot. PPS defined as not mandatory by user
VSC-10201   WARNING Locked: Time of Day was not set (NTP error) 6 GM: Front-panel We have the same reference on all the network but the given ToD is not be valid: During boot we can not reach NTP server (timeout or IP not configured). The ToD used is provided by release ToD or last shutdown ToD.
VSC-10202   WARNING Locked: Leap seconds file has expired 6 GM: Front-panel Leapsec file in the GM device is expired or has reach expiration while the GM is running. This means that the GM can not guarantee the UTC-TAI convertion even if the currently leap seconds used is still valid. If gm/cfg/leapsec_file_ignore option is active, this status will never occur and will be noted as VSC-10000.
VSC-10203   WARNING Locked: ToD offset bigger than 1s (NTP offset) 6 GM: Front-panel We are seeing a drift with the current NTP offset (this is probably that NTP server has some server, but it could be that our external reference is in free-running)
VSC-10204   WARNING Locked: NTP does not reply anymore 6 GM: Front-panel As NTP does not reply we might have some problem with the network. This is not critical for operation but might be a problem at next reboot. Only the GM should send alert

Boundary Clock (BC VCS Code)

A device in Boundary Clock mode is receiving its timing from a PTP/WR master and redistribute to other PTP/WR slave devices.

VSC HO Device
Message Clock
Active Reference Description
VSC-20001   OK Locked (TRACK_PHASE) 6 BC: WR @ ifname The BC clock is locked using WR and the upstream device provide all the information properly set
VSC-20001   OK Locked 6 BC: PTP @ ifname The BC clock is locked using PTP and the upstream device provide all the information properly set
VSC-20004   OK Locked - Upstream in manual Free-running 193 BC: WR @ ifname The BC clock is locked using WR but the upstream device has been configured in free-running
VSC-20301   CRITICAL No connected reference - link down 248 Internal Oscillator The BC clock has no link with upstream device
VSC-21301 HO CHANGEOVER Lost connected reference - link down 187 BC: Holdover The Link has been lost due to a link down (VSC-20301), but holdover was learnt (READY) and was quickly and automatically triggered (ACTIVATED)
VSC-20303   CRITICAL No WR/PTP connected reference 248 Internal Oscillator The BC clock has link with upstream device but does not properly receive any PTP announce message (or any other messages). This include the servo_state=NOT_UPDATED
VSC-21303 HO CHANGEOVER No WR servo update 187 BC: Holdover Servo was locked but not receiving any PTP packets anymore. Tmgr detect servo_state=NOT_UPDATED, and exit to HO if this was READY
VSC-20305   CRITICAL Can not lock to reference 248 BC: WR/PTP @ ifname We receive announce PTP message, start locking with slave but can not reach the Locked state after a timeout (Wait Stable). This state is enforced by tmgr when it FSM is blocked in WAIT_LOCK until a timeout
VSC-20320   CRITICAL Locked: Upstream device in Free-running 248 BC: WR/PTP @ ifname The GM is not available in the network so we are locked to an upstream device
VSC-22320   CRITICAL Upstream device in Free-Running 248 Passive WR/PTP @ ifname The GM is not available in this network. This passive timing source can become active only if no better time source is available.
VSC-21320   CHANGEOVER Upstream device in Free-Running 187 BC: Holdover The GM is not available anymore in the network. Instead of staying locked to a FR upstream device we fail to our HO timing source if it was READY
VSC-20201   CRITICAL Locked:Upstream GM in Free-running 187 BC: WR/PTP @ ifname The BC clock is locked but the upstream GM has fallen in free-running for different reasons
VSC-22201   CRITICAL Upstream GM in Free-Running 187 Passive: WR/PTP @ ifname The GM is in this network is in Free-Running. This passive timing source can become active only if no better time source is available.
VSC-21201   CHANGEOVER Upstream GM in Free-Running 187 BC: Holdover GM announce itself to be now in FR, if we have an active HO we should exit through this state and fail to the HO timing source
VCS-20501   CRITICAL PLL delocked: L1-Sync (Sync-E) error 248 BC: WR/PTP @ ifname For some unexpected reason the MPLL is not able to follow the received frequency from L1-Sync (Sync-E) and it has been delocked.
VCS-21501   CHANGEOVER PLL delocked: L1-Sync (Sync-E) error 187 BC: Holdover For some unexpected reason the MPLL is not able to follow the received frequency from L1-Sync (Sync-E) and it has been delocked. If ready, the fast delock trigger launch the Holdover
VSC-20211   WARNING Locked: Upstream device in holdover 187 BC: WR/PTP @ ifname The upstream BC is using its Holdover. Accuracy will decrease over time and when the HO expiration time has passed, the upper BC will be announced as FR (the timing will then be placed into a critical state).
VSC-20110   WARNING Locked: Time of Day not available on GM 6 BC: WR/PTP @ ifname The GM announce a problem that its ToD has not been properly set since start. Probably due to an NTP error, the GM will stay there until restarting/re-evaluation of GM
VSC-20111   WARNING Locked: Leap seconds file on GM has expired 6 BC: WR/PTP @ ifname The GM time is announced has valid but the utc_offset is not valid. This means that leapsec file has expired at GM


VSC HO Device
Message Clock
Active Reference Description
VSC-09000   OK Timing source is ready X X For ports, "Ready" means that the link is up and some announce messages sent by a master has been received. For GM, "Ready" means that 10M/PPS has been detected properly
VSC-09100   CRITICAL System Error 248 Internal Oscillator In case we get an unexpect behavior because some of the src modules (ppsi,ptpd,gnss,hald) has crashed, The tmgr will enforce this status in order to alert to the managment and also to other nodes (if possible) that our current situation is unexpected.
VSC-09110   WARNING Initializing... 248 Internal Oscillator The device will always initialize with the following configuration before using any policy/strategy/src in tmgr. The following value are only written in case the user run: /etc/init.d/tmgrd restart
VSC-90000   OK Manual Free-running 193 Internal Oscillator The device has been manually set as FR master and thus will distribute time according to its own reference
VSC-92000   OK Iddle Free-running 248 Passive Passive state of the free-running timinig source when Iddle
VSC-92400 HO OK Holdover Ready 248 Passive The Holdover timing source has been learning in background from the active timing source. It is now ready to being triggered.
VSC-92401 HO OK Holdover Ready 248 Passive Transitional state
VSC-91101 HO CRITICAL Holdover Expired 7>187 187>248 Internal Oscillator The device was previously in a HO exit state but and enter the holdover time source until it has finally expired. Even if we will still be connected internally to the HO clock, we announce ourself exactly like FR and we allow to reset the algorithm
VSC-91111 HO WARNING <previous message> <prev> <prev> The last mode that was "ready" has been exited in HO mode. The only thing that we perform here is increasing our clock accuracy and stay in this mode until the timer expired
VSC-92411 HO WARNING Holdover Learning 248 Passive The Holdover timing source is learning in background from the active timing source. If triggered, it will directly reach its expired state.