
This section, found by navigating to Configuration > Misc in the Web GUI, allows to configure various settings that do not fit in any previous categories. The parameters can be seen below:

OID Name Value Type Description
3.8010.x misc/cfg/xxx Miscellaneous Timing configuration.
3.8010.0 Time Zone <String> Configure the device time zone such that local time is properly displayed (web interface, LCD screen).
3.8010.0 PPS Mode • Always ON
• Only Locked
• Legacy
Configurable mode to control the PPS output where:
- PPS is always output even if CRITICAL (Always ON).
- PPS is only output if the active reference is locked.
- PPS follows the same behavior as in the legacy release (wr-zynq-os-v2.x).
3.8020.x misc/info/xxx Miscellaneous Timing information.
3.8020.1 Uptime <Integer> (u64) Time Manager uptime in seconds.

Update Leap Seconds File

Besides using 10MHz & PPS signals from the front-panel, the GM time source needs to obtain the Time of Day (ToD) from an external reference. NTP is commonly used because of its easy configuration. However, the leap seconds must be properly handled. Indeed, NTP is based on UTC timescale whereas PTP is based on TAI and thus the non-fixed offset between UTC-TAI is provided by the leap second file which varies according to earth rotation.

This file (also known as Bulletin C) is published by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) every six months to tell if a leap second jump is scheduled for the end of next June or December, or not. This also means that the file shipped within the release has an expiration date and does not guarantee a valid UTC-TAI conversion after this date.

In order to always ensure a correct UTC-TAI correction, the device that can act as Grand-Master on the network, can also manually update this file through the Configuration > Misc panel:

Manual Leap seconds update.

Note: Updating the leap seconds file can be performed hot by applying the configuration, so there is no need to reboot.