
The healthing module provides general information about the system health for monitoring purposes. This includes information about the fans, power supplies, memories, or temperature between others.


The associated parameters can be accessed through the Web GUI or the command line. The Web GUI has three Healthing pages, located under Overview > Healthing.

The Healthing System Overview page provides all necessary information on temperature, computer usage, etc.:

Healthing System Overview

The Healthing Power Overview page contains all necessary information related to the status and functionality of the power supplies:

Healthing Power Overview

And the Healthing Fan Overview details all necessary fan state information:

Healthing Fan Overview

Alternatively, the Healthing can be obtained using the following parameters:

OID Name Value Type Description
2.1001.10 Uptime <Time> (DD:HH:MM:SS) Up time since the last reboot our power cycle.
2.1001.11 Local time <Date and Time> (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (UTC)) System date and hour in UTC format.
2.1001.20 RAM total <Integer> (i.e., 511348) Total available RAM.
2.1001.21 RAM free <Integer> (i.e., 93884) Remaining free RAM.
2.1001.31 CPUs <Integer> (i.e., 2) Total available CPUs.
2.1001.31 CPU load 1 <Decimal> (i.e., 0.054199) Average CPU load during the last minute.
2.1001.32 CPU load 5 <Decimal> (i.e., 0.054199) Average CPU load during the last 5 minutes.
2.1001.33 CPU load 15 <Decimal> (i.e., 0.054199) Average CPU load during the last 15 minutes.
2.1001.34 CPU usage <Decimal> (i.e., 0.054199) Average CPU usage percentage in all cores.
2.1001.40 HDD1 size <Integer> (i.e., 1046516 kB) BOOT partition hard disk memory size.
2.1001.41 HDD1 free <Integer> (i.e., 966132 kB) BOOT partition free hard disk memory size.
2.1001.50 HDD2 size <Integer> (i.e., 13785168 kB) DATA/MEDIA partition hard disk memory size.
2.1001.51 HDD2 free <Integer> (i.e., 12906276 kB) DATA/MEDIA partition free hard disk memory size.
2.1001.60 FPGA temp <Decimal> (i.e., 60 ºC) Measured temperature in the FPGA.

Additionally, to these parameters, the system defines several smart alerts that comprise the information from several parameters to ease the monitoring, providing a quick overview of the general status:

OID Name Value Type Description
2.1002.1 Global state <Enum>
0. Ok
1. Warning
2. Critical
Global status including timing and system parameters.
2.1002.2 Timing state <Enum>
0. Ok
1. Warning
2. Critical
Timing status extracted from the virtual active clock.
2.1002.3 System <Enum>
0. Ok
1. Warning
2. Critical
System status extracted from the healthing parameters.

The devices incorporate redundant power supplies and fans. In order to ensure their proper behavior, their information can be checked too in the web GUI under Healthing or through the command line:

OID Name Value Type Description
0.91x0 pws/pwsX/ Information related to pwsX where pwsl (0.9100) corresponds to the left power supply and pwsr (0.9120) corresponds to the right power supply.
0.9110.1 Status <Enum> (i.e., OK) Power supply status.
0.9110.1 Temperature <Decimal> (i.e., 41 ºC) Power supply temperature.
0.9110.1 Voltage In <Decimal> (i.e., 233.250000 V) Power supply input voltage.
0.9110.1 Voltage Out <Decimal> (i.e., 11.949219 V) Power supply output voltage.
0.9110.1 Power In <Decimal> (i.e., 30.000000 W) Consumption of the power supply input power.
0.9110.1 Power Out <Decimal> (i.e., 24.000000 W) Consumption of the supply output power.
0.91x0 fan/fanX/ Information related to the module fanX. (Where OID 9210 fan0, 9220 fan1)
0.92x0.1 Status Front <Enum>
0. OK
1. Unplugged
2. Stopped
3. I2C Error
Status of the front ventilator of fanX module.
0.92x0.2 Status Back <Enum> 0. OK 1. Unplugged 2. Stopped I2C Error Status of the back ventilator of fanX module.


There are a few parameters that can be configured. In the CLI, these parameters are configured via the Healthing module:

Healthing configuration through CLI.

In the Web GUI, the healthing settings for fans and power supply modules are found under Management > System Alerts:

Healthing Web GUI settings

The healthing, fans and power supply configuration parameters can be found in the following table:

OID Name Value Type Description
2.1000.0 Screen saver <Integer> (i.e., 1) Not used in WR-Z16 device.
2.1000.1 Screen saver delay <Integer> (i.e., 60) Not used in WR-Z16 device.
2.1000.2 Screen contrast <Integer> (i.e., 255) Not used in WR-Z16 device.
2.1000.3 Temp target <Integer> (i.e., 60 ºC) Target temperature for the fans PWM controller
0.9110.7 PWSL disable alert <Enum>
- No
- Yes
Disable left power supply alerts.
0.9120.7 PWSR power OUT <Enum>
- No
- Yes
Disable right power supply alerts.
0.9210.5 Fan 0 disable alert <Enum>
- No
- Yes
Disable fan 0 alerts.
0.9220.5 Fan 1 disable alert <Enum>
- No
- Yes
Disable fan 1 alerts.