Minor and Major Alarms

Alarms and alerts are designed to warn of issues such as GNSS access, timing errors, and system functionality. Alarms can appear on the Web UI, displayed on the front panel, and through system communication (via SSH, SNMP, etc.).

Minor Alarm

There are several conditions that can cause the Web UI status lights to indicate a Minor alarm has been asserted. These conditions include:

  • Hot Swap Power Supply: At least one power supply is in a warning state. This could be due to temperature, voltage, fan speed, or current readings. Refer to Hot Swap Power Supply.
  • Too few GPS satellites, 1st threshold: The GNSS receiver has been tracking less than the minimum number of satellites for too long of a duration. Refer to Troubleshooting GNSS Reception for information on troubleshooting GNSS reception issues.

Major Alarm

There are several conditions that can cause the Web UI status lights to indicate a Major alarm has been asserted. These conditions include:

  • Frequency error: Indicates a jump in the oscillator’s output frequency has been detected. Contact Tech Support for additional information.
  • 1PPS is not in specification: The 1PPS input reference is either not present or is not qualified.
  • Not In Sync: A Major alarm is asserted when the Timing System is not in sync (Input references are not available and the unit is not in Holdover). Examples of not being synced include:
    • When the Timing System has just booted-up and has not yet synced to a reference.
    • When all input references were lost and Holdover Mode has since expired.
  • Timing System Error: A problem has occurred in the Timing System. Contact Safran technical support if the error continues.
  • Timing System Hardware Error: An issue has been detected with the unit hardware. One possible cause is that the oscillator is not functioning properly.
  • Hot Swap Power Supply: At least one power supply is faulty, either due to functionality, or because it has been removed or disconnected. Refer to Hot Swap Power Supply .