SNMP Traps

SNMP traps allow for automatic event notification, and as such are one way to remotely monitor SecureSync's status.

SNMP traps indicate the status change that caused the trap to be sent and may also include one or more objects, referred to as variable-bindings, or varbinds. A varbind provides a current SecureSync data object that is related to the specific trap that was sent. For example, when a Holdover trap is sent because SecureSync either entered or exited the Holdover mode, the trap varbind will indicate that SecureSync is either currently in Holdover mode or not currently in Holdover mode.

For testing purposes, a command line interface command is provided. This command, testevent, allows one, several, or all of the traps defined in the SecureSync MIB to be generated. Refer to CLI Commands for command details.

To define SNMP Traps (Notifications):

  1. Navigate to MANAGEMENT > NETWORK: SNMP Setup.
  2. In the SNMP Traps panel, click the PLUS icon in the top-right corner.
  3. The SNMP Traps Settings window will display:
  4. Enter the required information in the fields provided. (Note that the options will vary contextually according to your Version.)
    • The Version field provides a choice between v1, v2c, and v3 [= default]
    • The Community field for the SNMP Community string. [v1, v2c]
    • SNMP User names should be between 4 and 32 characters in length. [v3]
    • Destination IP Version is a choice between IPv4 and IPv6. [v1, v2c, v3]
    • Destination IP is destination address for the notification and password key to be sent. The default port is 162. [v1, v2c, v3]
    • The UDP Port number used by SNMP Traps [default = 162]. [v1, v2c]
    • Engine Id must be a hexadecimal number at least 10 digits long (such as 0x123456789A). The Id originates from the MIB Browser/SNMP Manager. [v3]1
    • Auth Type provides a choice between MD5 (the default) and SHA. [v3]
    • The Auth Password must be between 8 and 32 characters in length. [v3]
    • The Priv Type field provides a choice between AES and DES. [v3]
    • The Priv Passphrase must be between 8 and 32 characters in length. [v3]
  5. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the window. Cancel any changes by clicking the X-icon in the top-right corner (any information entered will be lost).
  6. The SNMP trap you created will appear in the SNMP Traps panel:
  7. Each row of the SNMP Traps panel includes the version of the SNMP functionality, the User/Community name for the trap, the IP address/Hostname of the SNMP Manager and values applicable only to SNMP v3, which include the Engine ID, the Authorization Type, the Privilege Type.

    You may define different SNMP Managers to whom SNMP traps can be sent over the network. This allows for SNMP Managers in different geographical areas to receive the same SNMP traps.

    Note: Safran Trusted 4D has been assigned the enterprise identifier 18837 by the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). The product MIBs reside under the enterprise identifier @18837.3.

    For detailed descriptions of the objects and traps supported by the SecureSync, please refer to the SecureSync MIB files. See Accessing the SNMP Support MIB Files.