# Case Studies
Enhancing F4E's Precision in Fusion Research with Safran Technology
Fusion For Energy, F4E, the European agency responsible for Europe’s contribution to the ITER project and the Broader Approach (BA) agreement with Japan, oversees the IFMIF/EVEDA project. The Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator, known as LIPAc, is a prototype accelerator designed to demonstrate the acceleration of a deuteron beam at 9 MeV with a current of 125mA at continuous wave.
F4E needed advanced solutions to enhance the accuracy and reliability of critical devices in the installation, with the significant challenge of reducing electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise. These upgrades were essential for maintaining operational precision and system integrity.
Solution Implementation
Products Used:
- LLRF (Low-Level Radio Frequency): Developed jointly by CIEMAT and Safran, this solution improved functionality and operational availability.
- White Rabbit (WR): Chosen for its reduced sensitivity to EMC noise, this system ensured precise synchronization.
- Beam Position Monitors (BPM) Digitizers: Upgraded to enhance measurement accuracy and integration with the WR system.
Implementation Process: Two methods were employed for a swift deployment:
- Direct installation and on-site debugging with Safran’s support.
- Remote support following in-depth pre-installation testing and preparation.
The integration of Safran’s solutions led to several significant improvements. Ivan Moya Martinez, European coordinator of the RF group for the LIPAc project and Technical Project Officer in the IFMIF group explained, “We added many functionalities that allowed us to increase the availability of the LIPAc accelerator during the operation.” He also noted, “In the case of the LLRF, it enabled us to compensate some deficiencies on the RFM protection system and we are capable also to debug some problems faster than before. With the improvement of the White Rabbit to low jitter devices, the accuracy of the phase was improved on the LLRF and the voltage control also improved.”
Long-term Impact
F4E has experienced notable gains in troubleshooting capabilities and system reliability. Safran’s technology has proven instrumental in meeting project goals, driving future enhancements such as new protection systems, control upgrades, and extended WR networks.
Customer Experience
F4E commended Safran’s engineering and support teams for their responsiveness, technical expertise, and effective communication, despite geographical distances. “The feedback working with Safran’s team is rather positive. Indeed, they are open to provide us support when required with clear communication,” Ivan remarked. “Their responsiveness is clearly an added value for our project.”
Future Collaboration
F4E anticipates further collaboration with Safran for future developments and system upgrades, reinforcing their commitment to pioneering advancements in fusion research. Ivan highlighted, “Given the skill set of Safran’s team, many possibilities could be envisaged.”
F4E highly recommends Safran’s products for their robust features, quality support, and technical proficiency, which are essential for complex and cutting-edge projects like LIPAc.
Safran’s innovative solutions have significantly contributed to the success and advancement of the LIPAc project, showcasing their value in high-precision, high-stakes research environments.
For more information about Fusion for Energy and their projects, visit their website, (https://fusionforenergy.europa.eu) as well as the Fusion for Energy and IFMIF/EVEDA Project at https://www.ifmif.org/.

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